Samurai - Serve and protect

a samurai. He who helps, he who protects. At the service of people. That is what we stand for.

a samurai

He who helps, he who protects. At the service of people.

Real safety at work is achieved only if your safety policy is supported by people. You do not do this by formally conveying rigid procedures - as if all people function in the same way, as if you can reach all people in the same way.

Every individual is different, and, according to our 4D approach, they all have their own colour, their own preferences, and unique qualities. Responding to those coloured qualities calls for a non-procedural approach. In fact, just the opposite: a playful approach that lets people experience and live things, and not only with reason.

Working with Samurai is therefore about putting change to work. Everyone searches the colour of their brain, finds their unique strengths. Everyone sets their own unique project in motion.

That is what makes us stand out as a truly different player.

Because safety and well-being cannot and should not be anything else than passion, a value. At home in the world of safety, at home in working with people, in a dynamic, innovative and colourful way.

Samurai at Work

we see heroes

Traditionally, the world of safety looks at employees as people on which rules and procedures should be imposed. We invariably see in employees the potential to become true heroes in safety. Because sustainable safety is the responsibility of everyone within the organisation.

People who each day go full out for safety on the workfloor - not only their own safety but also that of others - those are real heroes.

Planning and organisation, that is just a matter of spreadsheets and drawings. Their safe implementation on the workfloor is the province of people on the workfloor. Concerned about their own health and safety, but also about the safety of colleagues. Day after day, they put a human face on safety.

We call them our heroes.

we are 4D

Our starting point for the development of a sustainable safety culture is our 4D model. This model divides our brain into 4 areas, 4 ways of thinking, one of which will usually predominate. By gaining insight into which 'colour' predominates in an individual, we learn which approach is best suited to arrive at genuinely safe behaviour. In this way, a unique personalised approach is created for every new Samurai in the making.

Approaching safety from this 4D perspective opens up a world of unknown possibilities. The dynamics and interactions within the 4D safety brain create a host of new insights and possibilities to enhance our safety. If we want to take safety culture to a higher level, we need to focus on all dimensions involved.

we innovate

safety innovators

We work on it, where you work, keeping both feet on the ground, at the service of the customer. We adopt an innovative approach to safety; we innovate your safety at work.   

Meet our team of safety innovators

our mission:

To promote, develop and embed your safety competencies by creating a safety-promoting context tailored to your people.

our vision:

Sustainable safety is the responsibility of everyone within the organisation.

our values:

Samurai@Work has six values that are all based on the Samurai philosophy.

The task of the Samurai was to serve and protect the community to which they belonged.

This serving and protecting role can be summarised in six values.

Responsibility: Employees assume responsibility for themselves and for others. Responsibility comes from within. It ensures that the assigned tasks are carried out correctly.

Trust: We trust that our people are prepared to assume their responsibility. And that they also possess the necessary competencies and self-starting skills.

Freedom: No 'freedom happiness'. But always with room for initiative.

Forward-looking: Innovative thinking and acting is at the basis of our premium service.

Inventive: Groundbreaking ideas are always developed with the necessary creativity.

Wonder: An insatiably curious approach and an unquenchable hunger to learn.

Still searching for a solution?

We offer customised solutions! Not found what you were looking for? Contact us and we help you find it!

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